At this time, we do not offer delivery service. We make arrangements for you to come to our warehouse to pick up and drop off your rental items. This results in a significant savings in delivery fees for you! Also, all our items collapse down for easy storage and transportation.
This really depends on your needs and amount of rentals. Most rentals can fit in a regular truck bed. However, if you are renting a lot of items, you will need to either arrange a large vehicle or make mulitple trips.
Please find instructional videos HERE showing how to set up and break down your rental items. You can also find written instructions HERE.
No, only battery-powered candles are allowed to be used. Wax is extremely difficult to remove from the stain and finish of our products. Please refer to your rental contract for questions regarding replacements/damages to products.
Yes, we currently allow your rental items to be picked up as early as the week before your event (all fees must be paid in full). We also don't require rentals to be dropped back off to us until the following Tuesday. This allows our clients to ensure a hassle-free experience and avoid any late charges for retaining items after a busy event.
Our rentals are built to last in the Pacific Northwest! However, we do ask that you do not leave them out in the rain or snow. If they do get wet, please wipe them dry with a soft cloth as soon as possible. Rentals are NOT allowed to be outside uncovered overnight.
Sometimes! Depending on the time of year, we sometimes have room to add a few projects on the calendar. Do you have an amazing idea that you would like to co-create? Please reach out and let us know: SnohomishFarmTables@gmail.com